The promotion of stability and peace in Africa is a priority for South Africa and for industrials and NGOs worldwide. In a recent statement, the Defence Review explains how this will require the integration and coordination of diplomatic, military, peacekeeping and other efforts. When called upon, FORGE DEFENCE will support these aims with appropriate security capabilities that reinforce the cause for peace and eliminate threats of terror.
Forge Defense’s commitment to freedom and democracy is driven by an ethic to be stand up for our friends in need and encourage professional crisis management, peace-building and reconstruction in Africa. There will always be competing geopolitical, security and economic interests. But when called upon, FORGE DEFENCE understand this need and will protect and equip our clients to ensure the safety and prosperity of all.
Forge Defence Solutions
Armed Humanitarian Assistance – Armed peacekeeping and service delivery is never a first choice. However, with today’s rising threat of global war, catastrophe, and conflict-induced famine, service delivery to the masses must carryon in order to avoid protect the innocent and allow for reconstruction.
The four principles which guide FORGE Energy’s humanitarian activities in conflict zones are:
Using armed forces to distribute humanitarian assistance in conflict or complex post-conflict areas does not violate our humanitarian principles. The very presence of foreign peacekeepers in conflict zones is somewhat controversial, but those seeking to help others should also not be put in undue danger. Forge Defence offers the highest calibre of training and security forces armed with the latest in protective and assault gear.
It is true that humanitarian and military actors differ profoundly in terms of their training and resources. Because of this, the responsibility for providing humanitarian assistance rests primarily with humanitarian and aid organisations. However, without a robust, skilled, and equipped defence force, thousands and sometimes millions of lives are threatened. Forge Defence allows will do everything in its power to recover stability, security, and freedom of movement in conflict zones. Forge also assists in post conflict zones to oversee the construction of critical infrastructure such as renewable power stations, water filtration, and basic services.
We FORGE our advanced energy generation technology and fuel delivery platform to offer competitive and sustainable solutions for industrial clients and allied governments which we also protect with the most sophisticated and reliable special forces defence technologies available in the world.
Post-conflict reconstruction must happen in synergy with peacekeeping and peace-enforcement. In this way, FORGE DEFENCE works to contribute to the establishment of stability and security that enables reconstruction and development in complex and volatile geopolitical environments. In this way FORGE DEFENCE operates in compliance with the UN’s Civil-Military Guidelines for Complex Emergencies.